Trail information
Carver County Snowrunners, along with neighbor clubs; Chaska SnoHawks, SouthTonka Sno-Mobilers and Westonka SnoBlazers, make up Southwest Trail Association. SWTA is the entity that works with local governments and the MN DNR to maintain the trails in Carver County and West Hennepin County. SWTA also works with the landowners to obtain permission to use their land for our trails.
Our trails are endangered due to the continuous urbanization (home developments) and the problems caused when some snowmobilers ride off-trail and trespass on personal property. SWTA works each year to make the necessary re-routes to keep our trail system open to snowmobiling. It takes everyone’s cooperation to stay on-trail, respect other’s property and ride safe.
Trailering to our trail system? Some trailer-friendly lots include: Island View Golf Club on the east side of Lake Waconia, Ox Yoke Inn along the Luce Line Trail in Lyndale, Hollywood Road House on Hwy 7 & Co. 33 in Hollywood and Fleet Farm in Carver. Don’t forget to patronize these businesses.
Please ride safe, sober and stay to the right.