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Southwest Trails Assoc. Meeting

Goede's Club House 12980 County Road 30, Waconia, MN, United States

Open to all club members within SWTA (Carver Co. Snowrunners, Chaska SnoHawks, South Tonka and Westonka SnoBlazers). Discussion to include possible purchase of JD Gator and see where clubs are at with trail markers, signs, etc. 7:30 pm at Goede's Club House on Goose Lake (12980 County Road 30, between Mayer & Waconia).

Region 8 Meeting

Davanni's Pizza 15200 Minnesota 7, Minnetonka, MN, United States

We will be having a region 8 meeting tonight.  We will have pizza in the restaurant area at 7:10 and the meeting will be at 7:30 in the Green Room.  Davanni's should have some tables set aside for us to eat our pizza. Agenda Items Include: Three Rivers Parks snowmobile policy Update on Medina August … Continue reading »

Summer Picnic

Braunwarth's 16120 Co. Rd #135, Norwood Young America, MN, United States

The Summer Picnic has been set for Saturday July 27th at Johnny and Linda Braunwarth’s Lovely Estate on Eagle Lake.  Johnny and Linda have graciously hosted this event for the past few years.  Make sure to thank them when you arrive. “Famous John's“  will again be making his spectacular fall off the bone ribs.  Please … Continue reading »

Carver County Fair

Carver County Fairgrounds Waconia, MN, United States

Stop by the CCSR booth, or volunteer to work the booth, signing up new members.