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Christmas Party

Cologne Community Center 1211 Village Pkwy, Cologne, MN, United States

January Club Meeting

Goede's Club House 12980 County Road 30, Waconia, MN, United States

Waconia Ride-In

Lake Waconia Regional Park 8155 Paradise Lane, Waconia, United States

Midwest Vintage Snowmobile Shows, Inc. (MVSS) is pleased to extend an invitation to attend the 27th annual Midwest Ride-In now known as the Waconia Ride-In. We are located at the Waconia Minnesota Lakeside Ballroom Event Center on beautiful Lake Waconia. This is our 23rd year at Waconia and we have a great weekend planned for … Continue reading »

February Club Meeting

Goede's Club House 12980 County Road 30, Waconia, MN, United States

March Club Meeting

Goede's Club House 12980 County Road 30, Waconia, MN, United States

Trails Officially Close

MN, United States

Trails Officially close on Wed. March 31st 2021. No trail riding after that date. Most of Southwest Trails , groomed trails are on private property so Do Not ride on Trails regardless of snow depths or conditions after March 31st 2021. Trespassers will be Prosecuted to the full extent of the Law.

Club Meeting 7:00pm @ Mayer Community Center

MN, United States

April Club Meeting will be held at the Mayer Community Center @ 7:00pm Covid-19 Guidelines are expected to still be in place and your cooperation is appreciated.