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Trails Officially Close

MN, United States

Trails Officially close on Wed. March 31st 2021. No trail riding after that date. Most of Southwest Trails , groomed trails are on private property so Do Not ride on Trails regardless of snow depths or conditions after March 31st 2021. Trespassers will be Prosecuted to the full extent of the Law.

Club Meeting 7:00pm @ Mayer Community Center

MN, United States

April Club Meeting will be held at the Mayer Community Center @ 7:00pm Covid-19 Guidelines are expected to still be in place and your cooperation is appreciated. 

Sno Barons HayDays Sept. 11-12 2021

MN, United States

The 54th Hay Days is on for 2021  Find out more at  

2021 Fall Kickoff

MN, United States

More FUN in 2021 ! We will be having our Fall Kickoff to Rally the Troops, on Friday Sept. 17th 2021 at 5PM at the Augusta Ball Park, 5950 Hampshire Road Chaska, MN 55318 Starting with a Social at 5pm   Scott will give a brief State of the Association address and Snowrunner's Event update … Continue reading »

International Snowmobile Season Kickoff

MN, United States

St. Boni Motorsports and Moorhouse Motorsports in New Germany will have club representatives on hand to promote the up comming Snowmobile season. 

Minnesota Snowmobile Trails Open.

MN, United States

Most of Southwest Trails , groomed trails are on private property.  Stay on the trail, or it will be lost.